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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

Target Audience Questionnaire

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

This is a questionnaire to conduct a research in order to know what type of audience would be more likely to appreciate what type of film opening. This questionnaire has been created by in order to make the final work film opening the most appreciable as possible by the majority of the audience.

The questions were thought so the results would reflect the type of audience and its preferences. Because of these questions, the film making process and its planning has become easier and its outcome would be more accurate in order to please the targeted the audience.

Due to some changes in the scenario and its genre throughout the year, the questionnaire lost a bit of its accuracy for the last question but yet, is still relevant.

In order to maximise the answers, my colleague Alex Serban and i shared this questionnaire, on as many social media platforms as possible (Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter) and also asked people to share the link.

The link below is the link towards the questionnaire, feel free to answer as honestly as possible

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