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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

Preliminary work

Updated: Jan 27, 2020

For our preliminary work, my teammate Alex and I made a short film putting on screen a man that gets a bit overconfident during a party where he gets drunk and mistakenly falls in the swimming pool.

He wakes up a completely different and unknown place, which he realizes was just a dream.

The first part has been filmed at a birthday party without precisely knowing the set, the idea at first, for the transition, was to make the character pass out, but seeing the swimming pool at the location, it gave me an idea and decided to change the first idea for a more coherent transition in the story from the first part to the second; and the context rather than suddenly making the character faint out of the blue.

The second part has been filmed by my colleague Alex, while he was on a school trip to a cabin in the woods.

We discussed via the application Messenger to be sure of not taking shots that wouldn’t be good enough, yet having already some experience from working as a team we knew the style in which each other would have filmed. Therefore, in this process and with this way of working trust and confidence was required into the other, especially since both locations were a one-time event, meaning that if it wasn’t good, there would be no other occasions to film, or at least to have the short movie done in time.

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