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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

Note-taking regarding the horror

The genre of horror is an extremely wide genre, that gives a certain freedom of creation, allowing reality and fiction to merge. This is why while watching some videos treating about horror movies and its elements (see post "Youtube videos", I took notes so I could have creative inspiration regarding the narration of the short film. The taken notes regarding the different topics are the following :

Fear: Treats about phobias, discomfort, representation, and simulation.

Sound: High pitched, fast, repetitive, mechanical and crescendo sounds or kinds of music plays a lot.

Cliches that can be used: Dramatic irony (when the character or the viewer knows a crucial piece of information but the other does not) ---> the spectator sees the menace but the character does not.

Alcohol and drugs ---> Weakens the user to the exterior factors and becomes a threat to itself and the others.

Jumpscares: are short, fast and at the last moment.

A good example of unusual and effective jumpscare is the hospital one in The Exorcist III: Long shot, no sound, no movement, sudden.

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