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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

How do your products engage with the audience, how would they be distributed as real media product?

Updated: May 18, 2020

Some of our products engage with the audience in a direct manner, and some others in a more direct way. For example, the postcards or website, engage with the consumer in a direct way where a clear interaction can be seen between the product and the user, such as with the postcards: the entire goal of the postcards is to engage with the audience, where the audience itself becomes part of the promotional and distributional process. Through its simple nature, our postcards, like any other postcards need to be sent to other people, where this means that in the first place, somebody needs to purchase it, then write on it, then to send it. Here, all these steps engage with the audience in a direct manner, as the individual takes part in the utility and the creative process of the postcard. A product that misses its aim is an unfinished product, whereas an unsent postcard is not a postcard.

The website also engages in a less physical way with the audience but still does: It is absolutely up to the free will of the user to navigate throughout the website, unlike the films where a narrative direction is being imposed, in the website the way in which the audience will interact with it will be more personal to them as liberty of action is given to them.

Lastly, our films are in contrast with the two other products engaging in an indirect way with the audience, as the audience will have to find themselves in the representations that are given in the films, and then will have to relate to it, while afterwards, the consumer will be reflecting upon the product in order to get the full extent of it.

The difference between direct and indirect engagement with the audience is mainly due to the utility and complexity of the product: whereas for use of the website and postcards are straight forward and their use will be depending on the consumer, the film has a very specific direction which doesn't depend on anything and the understanding of it is multiple, the product is vague in comparison to the other two.

Speaking of how our product would be distributed as a real media text, we can promote our short film by making it easily available to everyone through the promotional the website, together with the other productions.

Another way of promoting the short film is by handing promotional postcards at film festivals, in this way they also have access to our site, through the QR Code. Or by playing the short at a film festival or at an event where it can be seen by a lot of people, and therefore more people will find out about our production.

Eventually, as we live in a society where everything is connected, if published on social media such as Youtube, if successful, the film will promote itself by appearing relevant to the algorithm which will put forward the film in the videos suggestions of people using the platform; or on Instagram using IGTV and paying a given amount to the application so the IGTV video (the short film) would appear as an advertisement between people's stories.

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