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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

Background Music

As for the film opening to be appealing, I, from the beginning wanted a media convergence between music and video, this is why i started thinking "what music could be played in the back ?" and then, after I found one, i wasn't really happy with the energy that it had : it didn't match with the film opening. So then i thought " A music that is not too happy but not too sad neither" and then came to my mind that I have a friend, ACX. (, so , that wrights and produces his own songs and studies at Berklee, one of the most prestigious music school.

I then listened to all of his songs and made a list of all the most suited ones, and then again listened to all of the songs on the list and i have finally found the one that was the most suited "Pacific Lullaby" ( I then messaged him to ask if we could use it for our film opening, so he sent me the audio file of it and we were then finally able to have a unique and perfectly suited song.

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