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  • Writer's pictureIulio Kambe

Preliminary Work

After making the filming plan, we decided to go film on a Thursday a bit after lunch (around 2), when everybody is working or eating so there will be only few people to disrupt us and get in the frame while filming.

We chose the location to be a graveyard to reflect the theme of the poem being death and life.

The character is a ghost narrating his life and choices.

To represent this, the props were consciously chosen to be black clothes to be in contrast with the white snow, yet blending with the dark wood and they grey sky and epitaphs; loose to give more of an impression of a shadow; chains with a lock around the neck to show that he is stuck on earth, like being a traveler on a journey towards peace,where he can get rid of these chains; red shoe laces, showing that he was once alive with blood flowing in his body; and finally a white mask to be in contrast with the black clothes, and without any facial expression, or no face at at all showing that he has nothing of a human anymore.

To give more of an impression of emptiness under the mask, black lipstick was used to cover the skin and white contacts were use to match with the mask and not showing any expression in the eyes.

Link to the video :

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